Well, I am coming up on my 5 months from breaking my leg. I feel ambivulent about the whole thing. Its like WOW! ONLY 5 MONTHS!!! Then I feel like DAMN THAT WAS A LONG TIME AGO, WTF???
Those of you close to me know my trials I have had through this whole process. By far this is a life (altering) experience for me. I am literally scarred for life from this whole ordeal. And don't get me wrong, I do have my good days with no to little pain to my I'm limpin' like a gimp with pain.
I have had several strangers ask me "OMG what happened?" or " OMG that looks like it hurt." I act polite, answer their questions and move on. I feel horrid after though. I guess because, if people can spot me several yards away is it that ugly? But then I think F* em.
But getting back to the point I came here to make...
When I got the OK to use muscle rum. I tried EVERYTHING!!! I mean everything from BENGAY to Tigerbalm to Herbal to crap to non crap I tried it. I gave up hope til one day my dad brought me his stick of ActivOn. I looked at him with distain like it had coodies. The whole reason behind that was because of those F*N commercials. and YOU know which ones I am talking about... ACTIVOn for your pain relief ACTIVopn for Joint pain ACTIVON for muscle soreness ACTIVON!! GAHHHHHH those commercials alone gave me a headache!!!
But after trying it, after everything else I used.... it was the best. I now keep a stick on my nightstand and a stick in my drawer at work.
i put it on and in five minutes boom! I am feeling better.
The only thing I have negative to say about it is... well, not so much to the product but to any analgesic is DO NOT PUT ON RIGHT AFTER YOU SHAVE!!!!
ouch... burn burn.
But I do recommend it. Cleaner than the creams doesn't smell. Doesn't burn your flesh off the bone and it works.
So if you are recovering from a surgery with some soreness (get doctor's approval first) , or you have normal joint and/or muscle soreness I suggest ActivOn.
Those of you close to me know my trials I have had through this whole process. By far this is a life (altering) experience for me. I am literally scarred for life from this whole ordeal. And don't get me wrong, I do have my good days with no to little pain to my I'm limpin' like a gimp with pain.
I have had several strangers ask me "OMG what happened?" or " OMG that looks like it hurt." I act polite, answer their questions and move on. I feel horrid after though. I guess because, if people can spot me several yards away is it that ugly? But then I think F* em.
But getting back to the point I came here to make...
When I got the OK to use muscle rum. I tried EVERYTHING!!! I mean everything from BENGAY to Tigerbalm to Herbal to crap to non crap I tried it. I gave up hope til one day my dad brought me his stick of ActivOn. I looked at him with distain like it had coodies. The whole reason behind that was because of those F*N commercials. and YOU know which ones I am talking about... ACTIVOn for your pain relief ACTIVopn for Joint pain ACTIVON for muscle soreness ACTIVON!! GAHHHHHH those commercials alone gave me a headache!!!
But after trying it, after everything else I used.... it was the best. I now keep a stick on my nightstand and a stick in my drawer at work.
i put it on and in five minutes boom! I am feeling better.
The only thing I have negative to say about it is... well, not so much to the product but to any analgesic is DO NOT PUT ON RIGHT AFTER YOU SHAVE!!!!
ouch... burn burn.
But I do recommend it. Cleaner than the creams doesn't smell. Doesn't burn your flesh off the bone and it works.
So if you are recovering from a surgery with some soreness (get doctor's approval first) , or you have normal joint and/or muscle soreness I suggest ActivOn.